
These 6 Tips Made me MORE Productive

Anyone who is close to me knows that I am a "busy bee". Buzzzzz Buzzz... I remember my friend asked, "How on Earth did you manage to find time to do that?" Well, my friend..... I'll tell you how. I hate to break it to ya but the answer isn't magical powers. Although, it would be awesome if it was! The real answers may surprise you! All you need to do is to follow these six simple tips:


Organization is my specialty. My work space is very neat (majority of the time). When my surroundings are clean, I focus much better. Clear your desk and you will have a clear mind.


Blocking out time for specific events and activities is super important if you want to be more productive. I am a visual person so I like to see the gaps of free time. I put everything and everyone in my calendar. Dinner with my parents? It's scheduled. Gym time? Scheduled. Date Night? Scheduled. Reminder/Follow-Up Calls? Scheduled. Get the idea? Having a clear knowledge of your schedule can ultimately lead to a more productive day.


I am more productive when I have a physical list in front of me. This goes back to the above, I like to see it. This way I know what I have to do and won't forget :P Also, the action of crossing things out is rewarding and makes me more excited to finish the rest of my list. Toss this girl a cookie!


Sometimes I have really long To-Do Lists and I get overwhelmed. The best thing to do in this situation is to focus on one task at a time. Knock off the quick & easy stuff so your list gets shorter faster ;) If a task has a deadline or is high priority, take care of those items first. You can always get back to the small tasks.


Turn your phone on airplane mode and set a timer for 25 minutes. You will be AMAZED at how much work you can accomplish without your phone distracting you. So often I get distracted when I see notifications from social media. I go to check my notifications, then I see a cute picture on my newsfeed, then I see who posted, hey what are they up to?... and then I am really off-task. Break-up with your phone for 25 minutes, I dare you to try it!!


Don't allow your mind to rear you off the path of being productive. Take a few deep breaths, empty your mind, and focus on one task at a time. If your mind is racing, I find it easier to write down all my thoughts on a piece of paper and go back to work without my mind distracting me. After I finish, I revisit the paper with all my thoughts on it.

Stay positive! You can do this!! Be your own cheerleader. You can't accomplish something if you keep telling yourself, "I can't". Change your words and your actions will follow.

I hope you have found these tips helpful and can apply them to your own busy life :) Please comment below and let me know which tip was your favorite. I would love to hear from you!

Go get em' tiger! Rawr!

- Amanda M. Amato

Do More of What You Makes You Happy

"Do more of what makes you happy." Sounds familiar right? But do we all follow that wise old saying? As I laid in bed last night, I had an A-ha! moment. I truly feel that I live a balanced life. I make sure to designate time for my family, boyfriend, friends, and myself. There used to be a time in my life where I consumed myself with only work. Although, I love my job - it definitely was not healthy for me to submerge myself in projects over my head.

Since then, my life has changed. I have one good job and a business. I allow myself to work a certain amount of hours. With the remainder, I make sure I spend a fair amount of quality time with the people who matter most to me plus personal time. Finding a balance between family, work, and personal time has made my quality of life much better and less stressed.

It is okay to LOVE what you do but don't make that the only thing you do. I enjoy working but I also don't want life to fly by without fully "living" it. It is easy to get caught up in the mix of things. Start living in the present. Enjoy every moment. Ultimately, do more of what makes you happy with the people who make you happy. :)

As we approach the holidays, I wanted to wish you all a very merry holiday and a happy New year! Embrace time with your family and friends. Eat big, love big, and laugh bigger :) If you loved this positive post and want more, please follow me on instagram @amatox3 or @byamadesigns <3

Yours truly,

Amanda M. Amato