How to Spark Joy at Home: Part 2

In part 1 of How to Spark Joy at Home, I had defined what home means, how it serves many purposes, not only does home serve as our shelter but it is a vessel of memories as well. As a certified Design Psychology specialist, I had shared the deep emotional connection to our dwellings and ways to cultivate more joy at home. If you haven’t read part 1 yet, I highly recommend you start there first.

The sense of home is subjective. It could be described and feel differently based on the individual. My portfolio is a perfect example of this. When I start a new design project, I always ask how do you want the room to feel? Nearly every one of my clients has expressed to me that they want their home to feel homey. If you look at my portfolio, you will see how the word “homey” has been translated into so many different design styles. That is because the sense of home is based on the individual and their own life experiences.

Home could be your current residence, your homeland, the house you grew up in, or a place that feels like home which may not be a dwelling at all. For example, you could feel the most “at home” when sitting at the beach.

Our first feelings of home stem from our early childhood memories and spaces where we felt safe, happy, and at peace. If you think back to your younger self, where did you use to go hide or seek shelter? Where did you go that brought you the most joy? Did you make your own fort/fortress? Did you have a tree house? Did you have a favorite chair? Think back to how that sacred space felt and what it looked like.

As we spend more time at home, it is important now, more than ever, to find ways to spark joy at home and create safe havens.

How to spark joy at home

HOW TO spark joy AT HOME & create a safe haven:

  1. Cozy Corner - Every sacred space needs a comfortable place to sit or lay down. Create your own cozy corner by carving out space for yourself in an existing room or designate an entire room to yourself, if you have the luxury to do so! Whether you prefer to sit, recline, or lay down, your safe haven should have your favorite seat to enjoy.

  2. Be Purposeful - Be intentional about how this space will serve you. Will you use this space to read, meditate, or create? Include elements that will support those activities. For example, if you need a space that is tucked away from the house to create, include a writing table to support your creativity.

  3. Color - Color plays a huge role in our mood. It is also one of the most transformative ways to change how your room feels. The key question to ask yourself, how do you want the room to feel? If you would like your room to feel energizing, think of using citrus colors like yellow and orange. If you would like your room to feel soothing, try using soft blues or a pastel shade. This goes without saying, incorporate some of your favorite colors too!

  4. Pattern - Aside from color, pattern is another great way to make your house feel like home. There may be some patterns that you gravitate to and some that may remind you of your favorite place.

  5. Wall Decor - Every room needs something on the wall, whether that is artwork or sculptural wall decor. Bring out your personality and showcase the things that truly make you happy. Afterall, this is your own sacred space so infuse this area with all the things you love to look at.

  6. Lighting - Having the proper lighting is so important to support the activities that happen in the room as well as creating ambiance. Having the wrong lighting can strain your eyes and create headaches. I always recommend putting lights on dimmers so you can adjust the brightness to set the mood and prevent eye strain.

  7. Texture - Layer in different textures to create a welcoming environment. Incorporate area rugs, soft to touch fabrics, and blankets that encourage you to snuggle up.

  8. Scent - Our sense of scent triggers our emotions and also memories. If you want to cultivate a feeling of home, what is your favorite scent that reminds you of home? If you feel the most at home when by the beach than maybe an ocean scented candle would be great to add. Also, don’t forget about essential oils and diffusers too.

  9. Reminders of Home - If home refers to your homeland, incorporate items that remind you of home. Whether that be a momento from your travels back home, artwork, or an enlarged photo of the views from back home. Honor your homeland in a way that feels the most authentic to you.

  10. Sound - Sound is an important element in creating ambiance. If there is too much background noise, it could be hard to relax. Create the perfect setting by controlling outside noise (if applicable) and also incorporating a speaker to play your own music to set the mood.

Photo by Mariah Texidor Photography

Photo by Mariah Texidor Photography

What if you feel “at home” elsewhere?

You may feel the sense of home elsewhere for a few reasons. It could be that you have changed locations and the place you lived in the longest felt the most “at home” or it could be that a place where deep-rooted memories took place during your childhood.

To recreate the feeling of your home away from home, the same tips can be applied to recreate a similar ambiance. The key is to bring in elements that spark those feelings and memories that transport you to your version of home.

How will you spark joy at home? Let me know in the comments. I would love to hear which tip was your favorite!

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