5 Ways to Get Organized

organized Organization may not be your favorite thing to do but you can't live without it. I have created 5 easy tips that you can implement today!

1. Find a Home for Everything - The main reason why things pile up is because they don't have a place! Find a home for everything. Have a place to put your mail. Have a place to put your keys so you know where to find them later (I always lose mine). If everything has a home, you will know where to look!

2. Sort - Sort through the piles that have accumulated and create two smaller piles: 1) Recycle/Toss 2) File (if you want to break down the File pile even more you can separate it by kids, home, and personal).

3. Create Simple Solutions - Find what works for you. Create a simple organizing solution that you can follow on a daily basis. If you create a complicated solution, you are less likely to stick to routine. Organizing your work can be as easy as purchasing a few bins that are labeled: Do Now, Do Later, File.

4. Home Kits - I love this tip personally. Buy clear shoe boxes and create Task Kits. Think about all the tasks or projects you do. Group all the tools you need for that task in one bin. For example, I have a "Paint kit" with all of my paint supplies and brushes. Label the outside of the box so it is easy to pull off the shelf when you are ready to use it.

5. Schedule It - Some areas need more help than others. If you know an area that needs to be frequently decluttered, schedule a day to focus on that one space. For me, I clean my room at the end of each week and my office at the end of each day so I can go back to work the next day on a clean slate.

Looking for my organization tips? Check out my Pinterest board, "Organization Nation."
