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A Thankful Thanksgiving

Hello from Pleasanton, California! (and it sure is pleasant)

I have everything to be thankful for this year. I am especially grateful that I get to spend my Thanksgiving with my family in California. I have never been on a family vacation before with my parents that I can remember. Twenty-three years later, we are taking one of our first family vacations. Although, later is better than never! I am so grateful to finally have the chance to spend a week with my family and also my cousins, my Aunt, and my Uncle.

Aside from family time, I am so blessed to have such an amazing support system behind me. My boyfriend and my friends are my backbone. I am so grateful to have an awesome circle of friends to laugh with and lean on when I need it. My boyfriend is my bestfriend and my rock. I am not sure where I would be without his continuous support and encouragement! Thank you <3

This year I have definitely noticed growth within myself and my business. AMA Designs was always something I did "on the side" but finally I have launched my business full-time and pursuing my passion. Starting is always difficult. I have realized as long as I keep taking that step forward each day, I can accomplish my dreams. After all, success is a series of small wins and small wins are better than none at all. I am so thankful for all my experiences so far and I cannot wait to see what the future holds!

I am also thankful for all of you!!!! YES, YOU READING THIS! <3 Without you, AMA Designs would nonexistent. Thank you for reading and I appreciate all your feedback. I love hearing from you. It truly brightens my day! I hope you have a fabulous Thanksgiving.

Sending all my love!!! - Amanda